That boost the power to the house? Effective means, accessible to all

For the normalization of the sexual activity, to investigate the cause of a loss of power. Here play the role of several factors. A poor diet, bad lifestyle, bad habits, psychological problems, lack of exercise, excess weight, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, and other, In the first place — eliminate the cause first. If there are no serious violations, try to fix the problem without danger to health.

Contrasting steam bath and

The means of how to improve the power:

  • Special food
  • Contrasting steam bath and
  • Exercises for the muscles "of love"
  • The good image of the life
  • The traditional recipes

Men of the food, which strengthens the power

The proper diet rich in vitamins "reproduction" — the first, which reinforces the male power. The human body needs plenty of vitamin A, E, B6, B12, zinc, magnesium, fluorine and calcium. When the lack of these chemicals is broken, the synthesis of the male hormone, testosterone, responsible for sexual stamina. The daily consumption of the right foods will help you to restore energy reserves, stimulates the production of testosterone and increase android potential.

Products to increase the power of

  • Lean meat: beef, lamb, rabbit, turkey
  • Fish: mackerel, sole
  • Seafood: shellfish, shrimp, mussels
  • Eggs, it is desirable quail
  • Vegetables: garlic, onion, celery, turnips, leafy vegetables, asparagus
  • Nuts: walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds
  • Honey and hive products (pollen)
  • Fruits: bananas, avocado, grapes, strawberries

A balanced diet — a basic sexual of the fortress of the men. The products for the activity will help you regain the sexual vigor and prevent problems in bed.

Contrasting bath of low-power

Contrasting bath for the bottom of the body fight efficiently against the sexual weakness. The hardening is the tonic, leads to the vessels, including the blood vessels of the penis, and returns to the manhood.

If you are looking to amplify the power to the house — contrast bath ideal. The procedure is simple, takes 20 to 25 minutes. Prepare two of the bowl with the hot water and cold water and to ensure a quiet environment, so that person didn't bother him. It is necessary then to sit in a cold bath and stand up to a minute. Then, it is necessary to pass the hot water. The action is repeated 8-10 times for each bath.

The temperature difference of the first procedure a minimum of 3 to 5°C. each time the amplitude increases.

To increase the benefits of the steam in the bathroom. Procedure increases blood circulation and removes sexual weakness. Steam is enough for 15-30 minutes 2-3 times per week.

The methodology of Kegel, which reinforces the male power

It is a gym aimed at the formation of the muscles pubo-coccygienne sexual of the area located between the testicles and rectum. She is responsible for the rhythm of the reduction at the moment of orgasm. Kegel exercises strengthen the LK-muscle, activate the blood circulation of the genital organs, increase strength, strengthen the erection. With such a gymnastics no longer have to remember, that strengthens the power.

An easy way to find pubic-coccygeal muscle — delaying the jet during urination, at the time of the break that it is stressful. The training is built on the principle of relaxation — tension, a place of exercise in the morning and in the evening.


Exercise 1. "Stop jet".You must have a jet during urination, and then pick it up. You need two exercises per day, 2-3 shut down the jet in one time.

Exercise 2. The "tension". Stretch to the maximum strongly LK-the muscle and then relax, in isolation of other pelvic muscles. We perform all of the days of 10 voltages are 2-3 approach.

Exercise 3. "The rotation of the pelvis". Standing, legs apart. It can be swivelled basin of 10 times the hour hand and 10 times against.

Exercise 4. "Keep the stone". Do it standing up. The knees slightly bent. Bend your knees more, and a maximum highly tense and relax the buttocks 2-3 times. Straighten your legs. It takes 10 repetitions.

Exercise 5. "The bridge". Lie on the ground. Arms along the body. The legs are bent at the knees, the feet touch the ground. Increase the pool as well, the knees are at a right angle. Do 2-3 sets of 10 times.

The right lifestyle for the right power

The first step to increase the power – it is a healthy way of life. Follow the fashion of the day, eating, exercise, and avoid stress. Physics of the fortress, a dream, a peace of mind and you will not have to think that strengthening the power.

It is important to give up bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol can reduce the production of testosterone, without which 100% of the power is not possible.

For the health of men is important to balance weight if there are overweight, and an urgent need to get rid of them. Full men reduces the synthesis of testosterone, level of female hormones and bad cholesterol, that clogs the blood vessels. The body has not the strength to produce enough of sex hormones, and the blood very slowly rushes to the penis. As a result, the weakness of power and the lack of sexual desire.


The traditional recipes, which strengthen the power

In the nature there are lots of tools that improve the power. Nuts, honey, ginger, ginseng, thyme, increase the libido and lead to normal sexual life.

Recipes that enhance the male power:

  • The honey with the walnuts contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and especially zinc, which is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone. Mix the chopped nuts with honey 1:1, eat 3 times a day a tablespoon and sexual activity absolutely will return.
  • Ginseng is a stimulant of the power. The ginseng root promotes vasodilation, improving the blood supply to the penis and makes an erection stronger. To increase libido it is necessary to mix 25 g of root and 700 g of honey. A mixture insist 10 days and take a teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals two months.
  • Thyme contains a lot of zinc and effectively enhances the health of men. For the cooking oil of specific fresh leaves of the thyme, pour in olive oil 1:3, put half an hour in a water bath, and to insist for a night. The oil is filtered and rub in the morning and in the evening in the area of the crotch to the stimulation of bioactive points.
  • Ginger — easily repaired sexual weakness and prolong the sexual act. Content in the ginger root, zinc enhances the synthesis of testosterone and raises the power. The root is eaten raw. You can chew small pieces several times a day, add the tea, or take ginger with honey. Crushed root and honey mixed 1:1, insist week and eat a tablespoon every night.